First 12 min - Essential Information to how easily your brain signature can be stolen and hacked into,  14 min - how surveillance can be conducted thru smart meters, 20 min - brain entrainment - how a brain frequency is altered one Hz at a time to alter the personality and the emotional state of the brain. The altered frequency of the brain now becomes the new frequency of the brain such that even when the program is shut off the brain functions at sub optimal levels.  Silent sound technology at 22 min - can be used to induce a myriad of emotional states and altered personalities silently without even the victim being unaware as to why they are feeling the emotions they are feeling. Emotional signature clusters retrieved from other human beings or artificially created as a result of frequency or vibration manipulation are stored on arrays and is then injected into another human being via Silent Sound Carriers. 

23 min - to 25 min - Patents for Mind Control Technology, 23 min - imp information on how the brain frequency is altered, 25 min 30 sec - 26 min 45 sec -  how are frequencies used to assault the victim, Sexual assaults on the victim at 26 min 45 sec - sexual assaults are orchestrated by massaging the sex organs with a frequency, 27 min 47 sec - Patents for many aspects of mind control are available at

Site Name

2 min - a government tracking technology that allows the perpetrator to pick up electromagnetic signals from the brain - symptoms experienced - headaches, heartburn, heart races, muscle twitches, blurred vision, experimental in nature,  3 min 30 sec - perpetrator groups at the community level are allowed carte blanche access to use these tools, 5 min 06 sec - local perpetrator group in San Antonio hunts down single women for the purpose of sexual assault,  6 min - usually begins with stalking conducted by people known to the target,  6 min 43 sec - remote read using GPS devices  to read the biometric signature of the brain waves, 7 min - random experimentation  - common people get experimented on because they have no clout, no influence to beat it and become perfect lab rats,

8 min 50 sec - goal is to get u in front of a psychiatrist - goal is to get u to call the police over and over so they can get u in front of a psychiatrist - Once the goal is realized the psychiatrist will not listen to the research u bring in - once the diagnosis is established - law enforcement will not listen -  further targeting escalates after diagnosis.

At 4 min  40  sec - Department of Homeland Security Partnership with Walmart  on Mind Control at 5 min 20 sec - pioneer of employing health solo stations - RFID technology made easily available