Video below at 18 min shows Robert Duncan stating that  Target Individuals experience content that flows out of their mouth dictated by a super computer. In fact he calls this condition Tourettes like. This is content that the Targeted Individual had no intention of saying or hasn't even remotely thought about in his or her thought processes  but will experience it shooting out of his/her mouth. The brain is married to a super computer and content is designed such that it bypasses the targeted individuals audio cortex and blind shoots out of his or her mouth in a manner that is completely outside the Targeted Individuals Control. At 8 min it talks about EEG cloning where one human mind is cloned and superimposed on another human mind. It also talks about the technology where it is not only capable of downloading your brain, erasing your life, but is also capable of superimposing a different kind of brain onto you where it will be capable of seeing thru your eyes, smelling different smells that u may have never encountered thru you, hearing thru your ears, controlling every movement in you i.e. how u raise your hand or how u walk, and finally speaking for you i.e. not u the person will be speaking but rather the super computer will be speaking thru you. also talks about the 3 phases that a targeted individual will go thru completely enslaved to this machine simply because u were randomly chosen to be experimented on.

(Jesse Ventura Contact Informaiton -