How do I know if I have been bugged??

DPL Surveillance Equipment

How do I measure EMF being Emitted from my Body

Body Voltage Electric Measurement Kit

EMF Meters - Detect Hidden Microwave and Invisible EMF Radiations

EMF/RF Measurement

Inspections of EMF and RF in your home

Devices Used by Ghost Hunters - Are Ghost Hunters Crazy or Delusional with the Science that Supports their Investigations

Devices used to detect a GHOST's EMF Fields

Dakota County Paranormal Society EMF Detectors and Other Devices to Detect Various Energy Fields

Central Minnesota Ghost Hunters Paranormal

Paranormal Societies Minnesota - Articles

Bios of Educated Individuals that work with this Equipment - (If I claim to have seen a ghost would I be hallucinating and crazy in light of all the equipment out there that can hunt it down or hunt down any electrical discharge activity. My cameras are continually interrupted, My segments are continually interrupted down to a few sec or couple min. I still get the 15 min segments that the camera is programmed to, however for the most part it is continually interrupted so that the psychotic state can be lost. Light from the surrounding is drawn in to put my face in a shadow so that the involuntary flow out of my mouth cannot be seen as clearly. There are always purple specs of light in the environment. Video segments will be interrupted where the movie will play in slow motion to make it play like a ghost paranormal experience. Would that make me crazy in light of the evidence I can present?)

The plumbing in my home is constantly interfered with, electric hair dryers interfered with, static interruptions on the T.V., computers and cell phones always interfered with. How should I see it in light of what I experience? Am I hallucinating it all? - Is this crazy in the light of the equipment manufactured by these manufacturers.

Is being a Psychic an established Scientific Phenomena - So if I told u I could see thru thru EMFenergies would I be crazy.

Geiger Counters - Pocket Models or Probe Models

 Personal Dosimeters - You can wear to detect Radiation Exposure